Can you, DIG IT? Can you, DIG IT?

Hi my name is Alana and I am one of the Dig It program crew leaders. Our program started 2 weeks ago, we jumped in going to our first field trip at the Forest Park for the Base Camp. Crew got dirty doing their first harvest. We harvested salad mix, scallions, kohlrabi, turnips, and more. We ended our week with a workshop on crop identification and plant families. Crew did a relay race to name all crops and plant families. My team fell short but everyone had an idea about which crop was which and which family each one belongs to.

We jumped into our next week on one of the first hottest days of the summer so far. Most of our Wednesdays are spent doing farm work, otherwise known at Weeding Wednesdays. This Wednesday we weeded all the ends of the beds and mulched them with wood chips. It was about 100 degrees outside but the whole crew pushed through and weeded all the ends of beds. After lunch, we worked on elevator speeches. 

Our field trip this week was Food Roof farm (yes, it's a farm on a roof) and Fresh Starts community garden where we turned most of their soil. Friday was a chance for new crew members to do their first harvest with the team and also learn about soils in the workshop. We ended our week working on a communication workshop called "Walk in My Shoes." So far our program is going really well and our crew members are amazing.
