EarthDance's Junior Farm Crew has been growing and changing in 2018! EarthDance wanted its Apprenticeship program (usually only open to adults) to work more with the JFC, to build synergy between the youth and adults on the farm. In addition, two young people- Verdis and Robert- were chosen to be the inaugural Youth Apprentices from April-August. They have been loving it!  Verdis aspires to be a farmer, and Robert--an alumnus of the JFC--is always seeking to improve his skills for growing his own food.  In an interview about his time with the JFC, Robert said he enjoyed learning a lot of skills like how to work with the Earth and how to face problems every day. The Youth Apprentices receive free tuition to the Apprenticeship program, and were also paid as employees from April through August. 

The summer-only Junior Farm Crew was comprised of 6 dedicated employees: Atalya, Chris, Ijai, Julian, Meghan, and Nicholas. In addition to farm work, the Junior Farm Crew worked on leadership skills, engaged critical thinking, culinary skills, and public speaking.  The Instagram posts below will let the JFC tell you all about themselves, in their own words.

While the Youth Employment program is coming to a close for 2018, EarthDance looks to 2019 with great excitement and expectation!