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Hey all!  WE (NatureWorks from Forest Park Forever) are here to give a little update about what we have been doing so far this summer.  Lately we have been focusing on more isolated invasive species, on various islands in Forest Park.  Mainly Bush Honeysuckle and other non-natives that are aggressively taking over our islands.  In order to get the island, we use boats to ferry ourselves and move cut trees to the mainland.  Once there we chop up the trees in chipper for easy composting.  Through our blood, sweat, and tears one crew member (Marcus), inspires us all with his custom playlists and a constant flow of sugary snacks. 

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We not only focus on removing invasive species, we educate ourselves on the different wildlife in the park.  On one of these education days, a representative from the zoo taught us about the ways turtles can be examined scientifically.  We got to collect data involving size and weight as well as possible diseases caused by human impact.  For the first time we could use waders to make our way into the water and collect the turtles form the net traps. 

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Nature Works has been an experience of a lifetime!  We can’t believe week 6 is coming to an end.  We are all looking forward to our last two weeks and our continued efforts to restore Forest Park. 

by The NatureWorks Crew '18

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